These APIs are included in your application by including the following definition in your application source file.
The following describes the implementation differences between the OS2Linux library and the real OS/2 event semaphore APIs.
When multiple threads wait for an OS/2 event semaphore to post a single post operation to the semaphore will release all the waiting threads.. Under the OS/2Linux library there is a one-to-one correspondence between a post operation and the release of a single waiting thread. If three threads are waiting on an OS/2Linux event semaphore it will take three post operations to the semaphore to release all three threads.
APIRET APIENTRY DosCreateEventSem (PSZ pszName, PHEV phev, ULONG flAttr, BOOL32 fState);
APIRET APIENTRY DosOpenEventSem (PSZ pszName, PHEV phev);
APIRET APIENTRY DosCloseEventSem (HEV hev);
APIRET APIENTRY DosResetEventSem (HEV hev, PULONG pulPostCt);
APIRET APIENTRY DosPostEventSem (HEV hev);
APIRET APIENTRY DosWaitEventSem (HEV hev, ULONG ulTimeout);
APIRET APIENTRY DosQueryEventSem (HEV hev, PULONG pulPostCt);
The following describes the implementation differences between the OS2Linux library and the real OS/2 mutex semaphore APIs.
APIRET APIENTRY DosCreateMutexSem (PSZ pszName, PHMTX phmtx, ULONG flAttr, BOOL32 fState);
APIRET APIENTRY DosOpenMutexSem (PSZ pszName, PHMTX phmtx);
APIRET APIENTRY DosCloseMutexSem (HMTX hmtx);
APIRET APIENTRY DosRequestMutexSem (HMTX hmtx, ULONG ulTimeout);
APIRET APIENTRY DosReleaseMutexSem (HMTX hmtx);
APIRET APIENTRY DosQueryMutexSem (HMTX hmtx, PID *ppid, TID *ptid, PULONG pulCount);
The following describes the implementation differences between the OS2Linux library and the real OS/2 muxwait semaphore APIs.
APIRET APIENTRY DosCreateMuxWaitSem (PSZ pszName, PHMUX phmux, ULONG cSemRec, PSEMRECORD pSemRec, ULONG flAttr);
APIRET APIENTRY DosOpenMuxWaitSem (PSZ pszName, PHMUX phmux);
APIRET APIENTRY DosCloseMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux)
APIRET APIENTRY DosDeleteMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux, HSEM hSem);
APIRET APIENTRY DosWaitMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux, ULONG ulTimeout, PULONG pulUser);
APIRET APIENTRY DosQueryMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux, PULONG pcSemRec, PSEMRECORD pSemRec, PULONG pflAttr);